Living Intentionally for the Curious of Mind •
Living Intentionally for the Curious of Mind •
I take people from restless and uncertain to intentional action. I do my best work with the curious of mind who've hit a wall and are living life on auto-pilot. With those who have an inner voice yelling out for change but don’t know what to do with it.
My genius is getting you ridiculously clear on what you truly want ... then taking decisive action to get you there.
You can’t keep pushing restlessness aside and pretending it’s not there.
It won’t go away (at least not for long).
It’s actually an amazing and powerful gift because it leads you to your next chapter.
It is a desire for something different. For a life on your terms. Of certainty in your path.
You only have to be brave enough to take the first step. To explore what the path could be.
We all have choices. In fact, our lives are the sum of our choices.
The choice right now is whether to embrace that uncomfortable feeling or choose to ignore it and let the years pass without discovering what could be.
Your choice.

Work With Me
My job, that I have honed into a process that works, is to take you from where you are now to where, deep inside, you know you need to be. Together we’ll map out the milestones to help you transition seamlessly to your place of confidence and being 100% you. All I need of you is your commitment to show up, share, and be honest (with yourself).
I’ll take it from there.
To be clear, this is no cookie-cutter process – working with me brings you a bespoke experience that draws on my extensive experience and training. We look at the whole picture, not one small part.
I don’t work on a pre-determined number of sessions. Instead, you get the access and support you need from me, for the length of time you need it.
We’ll uncover what drives you, what you really want, what impact you want to have, and we’ll dismantle what’s holding you back from getting it.
Restless For More
Restless For More —
Restless For More Group Coaching Programme
Make it happen! Move from restless and stuck to motivated and purposeful.
Testimonials —
Here’s what clients are saying…
“Working with Jess changed everything. I didn’t have direction when I started coaching but I’ve now written 6 novels and am starting my own indie publishing company. I love working with Jess and can’t wait to see what’s next…”
— GJ Kemp
“Jess is a great listener and helped me find the answers to my questions. Her approach is professional and emphatic. I really enjoyed working with her and really recommend her.”
— Javi
“I wasn't sure what to expect from coaching or what I would get out of it, but after just a few sessions I wonder why I didn't do it sooner. Jessica's ability to empathise but still encourage and question helped me work through a number of issues.”
— Sal
For Businesses
Business is restless. The only certainty is now uncertainty... but I prefer to see that as an opportunity to build agile and innovative organisations that operate on the front foot... powered by people who lead not follow.
As an experienced coach, facilitator and speaker I help companies build resilient teams and leaders with the confidence, courage and critical thinking to navigate restless times and turn them to their (and your) advantage.
Hello! I’m Jessica.
I’m a coach, author, speaker and facilitator, and have 20 years’ experience in understanding and creating behaviour change. Both an art and a science, my work combines evidence-based tools and strategies with intuition and creativity to think beyond existing boundaries.
I work with people who’ve worked hard to get to the top of their game only to find themselves thinking, WHAT NOW? Who may feel constrained by expectations but want to step on to their own new path. Who are prepared to listen to the voice that says, “I want something different and I can have it.”
My ‘thing’, that I passionately believe in, is to live life the way you want to live it. Whatever that means for you. For me, it meant upping sticks and moving from Southeast London to Southeast Mallorca. It meant swapping a big corporate job for working for myself. It meant more time outside. It meant creating space to be around for my son. It meant changing my priorities.
But this is your journey. Your choices. Our powerful conversations will unlock the destination, and together we´ll create the path and roadmap to get there so you can step into your next chapter with energy, clarity and confidence.
I want to see you move from restless to realising your inherent brilliance and what you want from the next chapter of your life.
Your time is limited,
don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
— Steve Jobs
The Podcast